BT3 Dooley says..."Does anyone remember the JFK calender that was hung in the lab during the gulf war cruise? There was so much dirt written on that calender it was pathetic. I dont think a day went by without someone writing about someone else dodging fuel soundings, kissing butt, skating off somewhere, avoiding boiler samples...etc...etc. It was bad enough that EVERYONE in the lab was ripped on REALLY didnt want your name to be on that calender! I wish I had that calender today...I'd pay you all back for that "Care Package". hahaha
Griff says..."Dooley...just know I have all the evidence right here at my disposal! All twelve months!!!!"
I cant believe that thing is still around! Have you had it all this time?! You're gonna have to post every page of it. I dont care if it does rub people the wrong way...that thing is a big chunk of Oil Lab History!
I've got the whole calender. In the very near future, I'm going to create a post where I tell the story of how both the picture and the calender fell into my hands.
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